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December 16, 2024 Should you have to pay for Police protection at an event? We don't think so.

Should you have to pay for Police protection at an event? We don't think so.

Are we winding down for Christmas? Not a chance! Last week we contacted you with three big wins, but we can't put our feet up just yet... not until the would-be-censors go on their Christmas break! La...

December 16, 2024 Push for Police to charge for presence at public events a deterrent on free speech

Push for Police to charge for presence at public events a deterrent on free speech

MEDIA RELEASE 16 December 2024FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Push for Police to charge for presence at public events a deterrent on free speech The push by Maungakiekie MP, Greg Fleming, to allow police to cha...

December 16, 2024 Proposed changes to Policing (Cost Recovery) Regulations likely threat to free speech

Proposed changes to Policing (Cost Recovery) Regulations likely threat to free speech

December 16, 2024 Health NZ pushes staff self-censorship

Health NZ pushes staff self-censorship

December 12, 2024 Huge news for free speech! Candace Owens allowed entry to NZ after all

Huge news for free speech! Candace Owens allowed entry to NZ after all

We have fantastic news to share with you. And it's not just one victory either. It's a whopping three victories.  1. Minister amends Immigration decision, allows Candance Owens access to New Zealand T...

December 12, 2024 Minister reverses visa denial, allows Candace Owens access to New Zealand: Massive win for Kiwis’ free speech

Minister reverses visa denial, allows Candace Owens access to New Zealand: Massive win for Kiwis’ free speech

MEDIA RELEASE 12 December 2024FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Minister reverses visa denial, allows Candance Owens access to New Zealand: Massive win for Kiwis’ free speech Associate Minister of Immigration, H...