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November 17, 2021 Exclusive: Royal Society Is Investigating Academics For Defending Science

Exclusive: Royal Society Is Investigating Academics For Defending Science

17 November 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Exclusive: Royal Society Is Investigating Academics For Defending Science The Free Speech Union can reveal that two academic fellows are being investigated by Th...

November 17, 2021 Auditor General Letter

Auditor General Letter

November 15, 2021 Adieu Liberal Education: Bienvenue Post-College Daycare

Adieu Liberal Education: Bienvenue Post-College Daycare

Academic freedom is defined in s161 of the Education Act as “the freedom of academic staff and students, within the law, to question and test received wisdom, to put forward new ideas and to state con...

November 4, 2021 Defence of Michael Laws: Letter to CE of Otago Regional Council

Defence of Michael Laws: Letter to CE of Otago Regional Council

October 29, 2021 Email to Local Councillors calling for them to stand for free speech

Email to Local Councillors calling for them to stand for free speech

Good morning,   History reveals that freedoms taken for granted are freedoms lost.   Given your important work in local government, and the influence you have in your region, I wanted to write to intr...

October 22, 2021 Letter to NZME Board regarding censoring advertising

Letter to NZME Board regarding censoring advertising