Free Speech Union Ready For Round Two Of Government’s Proposed Hate Speech Laws
30 October 2023
Free Speech Union Ready For Round Two Of Government’s Proposed Hate Speech Laws
Justice Minister Kiri Allan today guaranteed that she will have hate speech laws i...
'Plain Language Bill’- Another Solution Looking for a Problem
'Plain Language Bill’- Another Solution Looking for a Problem
Parliament: an ironic place where contradictions abound. At first glance stately and formal, but under the surface we know skulduggery abo...
The Road To Hell Is Paved With (Censorious) Good Intentions
Our Prime Minister has quickly become a polarizing figure on the international stage. Jacinda Ardern is either fawned over and adored or vilified and framed as the smiling face of authoritarianism. Co...
Given the fight we’re in, it’s important that we really understand what actually drives censorship.
On a recent episode of the Free Speech Union podcast, I got to talk with David Gregory, the co-owner...
Introducing Dr. Roderick Mulgan, new Free Speech Union Council Member
I have had political antennae since my early teens. It was years before I read anything about the Enlightenment but early on it resonated with me that one of life’s most basic rights was saying what y...