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September 25, 2023 Press seek to publicly shame doctor. We must push back.

Press seek to publicly shame doctor. We must push back.

Hello,  I don’t like to interrupt first thing Monday morning, but we've just become aware of a case where we think immediate and overwhelming attention could help turn the tide. It involves someone I’...

September 25, 2023 Te Whatu Ora must stand by employees’ rights to freedom of thought and speech

Te Whatu Ora must stand by employees’ rights to freedom of thought and speech

MEDIA RELEASE  25 September 2023FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Te Whatu Ora must stand by employees’ rights to freedom of thought and speech The Free Speech Union insists that Te Whatu Ora stand by their emp...

September 25, 2023 Letter to Andrew Slater: Te Whatu Ora must stand by employees’ rights to freedom of thought and speech

Letter to Andrew Slater: Te Whatu Ora must stand by employees’ rights to freedom of thought and speech

September 21, 2023 Alleged compelled speech of students at Mellons Bay Primary School

Alleged compelled speech of students at Mellons Bay Primary School

September 19, 2023 Free Speech Union Submission on the Victims of Sexual Violence (Strengthening Legal Protections) Legislation Bill

Free Speech Union Submission on the Victims of Sexual Violence (Strengthening Legal Protections) Legislation Bill

September 15, 2023 Public letter demands Minister of Immigration grant Posie Parker undisrupted re-entry into NZ

Public letter demands Minister of Immigration grant Posie Parker undisrupted re-entry into NZ

MEDIA RELEASE 15 September 2023  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Public letter demands Minister of Immigration grant Posie Parker undisrupted re-entry into NZ Calls by censorial activists insisting Andrew Litt...