Free Speech Union Logo


November 2, 2023 ACT Party must affirm its principles and oppose National Party’s gang patch  policy

ACT Party must affirm its principles and oppose National Party’s gang patch policy

November 1, 2023 Policy to expand ban on gang patches and limit gang communication a  violation of free expression rights

Policy to expand ban on gang patches and limit gang communication a violation of free expression rights

October 31, 2023 Spurious Eventbrite cancellations pushing away business and creating rod for company’s own back

Spurious Eventbrite cancellations pushing away business and creating rod for company’s own back

October 30, 2023 Genspect – Countering Hate Speech Aotearoa complaints to RNZCGP and others

Genspect – Countering Hate Speech Aotearoa complaints to RNZCGP and others

October 27, 2023 Clutha District Council must respect speech rights and allow billboards

Clutha District Council must respect speech rights and allow billboards

October 12, 2023 ‘Students against cuts’ posters taken down at University’s instruction

‘Students against cuts’ posters taken down at University’s instruction