Is there really uncertainty about the right to book a venue?
By Dr. Roderick Mulgan | FSU Chairperson
Do the owners of public meeting venues have to tread a “difficult line” between the right to free speech and “wider community needs”? A recent opinion piece i...
Gareth* is a husband and the father of a busy young family. He has triplet toddlers- frankly I can't imagine!
He's a project manager, a role that comes with a bit of stress, and in his spare time, lik...
It's a major problem.
Declining trust in our society's key institutions undermines their credibility. Kiwis are clearly calling for a return to first principles, and the reality is, protecting free sp...
I am convinced more than ever that our work to defend free speech in New Zealand is changing history. That's why I put my money where my mouth is.
Last year, my wife and I donated 10,000 liters of ros...
You won't want to miss this line up: AGM, two big tours, and regional meetings
Our team is juggling cases, campaigns, legislative work, professional membership launches, AND there's a whole host of events on the calendar before we reach Christmas, too.
One of our favourite parts...
Who says I need protection from opinions I don't like?
Once again, our wanna-be-censors would rather that we didn't think for ourselves.
On Tuesday, the Broadcasting Standards Authority released a report Research: Freedom of Expression and Harms Impactin...