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June 19, 2019 The speech censors given a free media pass

The speech censors given a free media pass

David Seymour’s proposal to abolish the Human Rights Commission reflects widespread suspicion that is has become a taxpayer-funded nest for people plotting to end the freedoms it was established to pr...

May 28, 2019 Journalists have an interest in free speech

Journalists have an interest in free speech

John Drinnan says "There is a tendency to accept that people with unorthodox views in the current milieu must be policed and punished. It goes against the notion of objectivity and balance that some o...

May 20, 2019 Stuff Article: Mass shootings predate social media, so let's focus on the real problems

Stuff Article: Mass shootings predate social media, so let's focus on the real problems

With permission from Stuff's editors -- Selected parts of an Opinion piece by Damien Grant, contributor to Stuff and supporter of the Free Speech Coalition "If you need evidence of why governments sho...

May 18, 2019 Is New Zealand a Racist Country? | NZ, racism, hypocrisy & free speech

Is New Zealand a Racist Country? | NZ, racism, hypocrisy & free speech

- Dr David Cumin I was asked to answer an important question at a recent event hosted by the Indian community in New Zealand: Is NZ a racist country? The question was clearly based off a comment that ...

April 28, 2019 Why Golriz Ghahraman should not be the guardian of our speech

Why Golriz Ghahraman should not be the guardian of our speech

For a first-time list MP who made it into Parliament by the skin of her teeth, and is in a minor party that maybe is or isn’t in government (depending on what day it is and who you ask), Golriz Ghahra...

April 24, 2019 Censorship is the Snake in the Garden

Censorship is the Snake in the Garden

It seems incredible now but there was a time when nearly every New Zealand suburb had a beautiful movie theatre. They could be rather baroque affairs too, with mezzanine levels and carpet on the wall...