Email to Local Councillors calling for them to stand for free speech
Good morning,
History reveals that freedoms taken for granted are freedoms lost.
Given your important work in local government, and the influence you have in your region, I wanted to write to intr...
Free Speech Union Council Position Paper on Covid-19 response measures
Free Speech Union Council Position Paper: Free Speech and COVID-19 Response Restrictions
The New Zealand Free Speech Union is a registered trade union with a mission to fight for, protect, and expan...
“You can’t joke about that”.
This was the response I got from a local commissioner to what remains my dream project — a comedy show based in a South Auckland instant loans company.
The chap was dead...
Dear Supporter,
Welcome to this week's free speech update.
NZME receives over 1000 emails re Speak Up For Women advertisements
More than a thousand of our supporters took the time to write to NZME re...
“Non-violence and truth are inseparable and presuppose one another.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Two years ago in Christchurch, New Zealand was subjected to an horrific act of extreme violence, in the name of ideology.
Yesterday, another terrorist attack was carried out, this time in Auckland.
Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt’s op-ed yesterday defending the government's proposed hate speech laws is thoroughly predictable after a month of terrible comms that failed to convin...