Dear Supporter,
As the end of the year approaches, we thought it the right time to look back at our work to date – work that you have made possible with your support.
Since launching the Free Speech...
Many of our supporters would have heard that the New Zealand Police have been keeping a watchful eye on Cameron Slater. Revelations from Police’s response to an Official Information Act request have s...
Dawn Freshwater kicks for touch on Mātauranga Māori
As international criticism mounts, Auckland University’s Vice-Chancellor pledges a symposium next year to debate the role of Māori knowledge in science education. Graham Adams suggests a public apolog...
Robert Nola’s academic specialty is the philosophy of science but the Royal Society is investigating him over what it claims are “misguided” views regarding Māori knowledge. Graham Adams reports.
Foreign academics and media weigh in on Royal Society investigation
Dear Jonathan,
News of the Royal Society's troubling decision to investigate three of its distinguished Fellows for defending science in a letter to the New Zealand Listener magazine has now made in...
Free speech under attack? Talk to your Union.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in a liberal democracy – as important, even, as the right to vote, since people’s ability to cast an informed vo...