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April 23, 2024 What happens if we don't defend free speech at universities?

What happens if we don't defend free speech at universities?

'Academic freedom' seems like a pretty abstract value for the lucky few who live in an 'ivory tower'. But the right for experts to speak freely is crucial.  If those at our universities don't have fre...

April 19, 2024 Is this the new normal we want?

Is this the new normal we want?

A semi-interesting fact about me is that I believe I am the only individual in New Zealand who is both a practising doctor and barrister. While the two professions often require different skills, I pu...

April 3, 2024 Looks can be deceiving

Looks can be deceiving

Hate speech laws can sound noble at first. Who doesn't want to combat hatred?  But looks can be deceiving.  You'll know by now why we strongly (not to mention successfully) opposed the hate speech law...

March 1, 2024 When we’re brave enough to talk.

When we’re brave enough to talk.

I once caught myself saying to my husband, “You just can’t say things like that anymore,” after retelling him what I’d overheard a friend say earlier that day. I didn’t disagree with what my friend ha...

November 10, 2023 Free Speech and its Enemies by Lord Jonathan Sumption

Free Speech and its Enemies by Lord Jonathan Sumption

Keynote for the Free Speech Union's AGM and Conference. Christchurch Town Hall. 4 November 2023. Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights requires states to “guarantee to...

October 12, 2023 Don’t push hatred underground; expose it

Don’t push hatred underground; expose it

By Dane Giraud I'll be honest, I messed up. Allow me to explain… Along with being a passionate free speech supporter (and former council member of the Free Speech Union), I am a member of New Zealand’...