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March 23, 2023 Free Speech Union

Sense Prevails As Immigration NZ Chooses To Allow Free Speech Of British Speaker

23 March 2023


Sense Prevails As Immigration NZ Chooses To Allow Free Speech Of British Speaker

The Free Speech Union welcomes the decision by Immigration New Zealand to not suspend Kellie-Kay Keen-Minshull's NZeTA and to allow her entry into the country, says Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive of the Free Speech Union.

“The Free Speech Union envisions a flourishing New Zealand civil society that values and protects vigorous debate, dissenting ideas, and freedom of speech as cultural cornerstones. While Keen-Minshull's comments are controversial and offensive to some Kiwis, we must remember that the principle of free speech defends, first of all, the speech others do not want to hear.

"As we have stood for Kellie-Kay Keen Minshull's right to enter the country and express her beliefs regarding women's rights, likewise, we stand by the right for all Kiwis who disagree with her to express their disapproval through peaceful protest and counter-speech.

"While free speech allows for, at times, disruptive debate, it is this very disruption that makes free speech a progressive cause that ensures societies do not stagnate or stop moving forward. The way to beat bad ideas is with better ideas, not censorship.

"We applaud Immigration New Zealand for not disrupting Kiwis' right to hear debate and expression on contested issues."