Questions for Political Parties and Candidates
List of questions for political parties and candidates:
Free speech and free expression |
Q1. What is your party’s position on the implementation of ‘hate speech’ legislation? |
Q2. What is your party’s position on legislation to ban the public displaying/wearing of gang patches or gang insignia? |
The free press and free internet |
Q1. What is your party’s position on the Department of Internal Affairs’ “Safer Online Services and Media Platforms” proposals? |
Q2. What is your party’s position on media funding initiatives by the Government carrying editorial requirements or standards? |
Academic freedom |
Q1. What commitments can your party give to ensuring the protection of academic freedom in our universities, as defined by the Education and Training Act? |
Q2. Does your party support the right of academics to teach and research freely on such subjects as:
Public meetings and the use of public venues |
Q1. What commitments can your party give to ensuring the protection of the right of Kiwis to meet and discuss ideas and political views, even if they are controversial or unpopular? |
Q2. What is your party’s position on the use of public venues by: