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September 7, 2023 Jonathan Ayling

Questions for Political Parties and Candidates

List of questions for political parties and candidates: 

Free speech and free expression 

Q1. What is your party’s position on the implementation of ‘hate speech’ legislation? 


Q2. What is your party’s position on legislation to ban the public displaying/wearing of gang patches or gang insignia? 


The free press and free internet 

Q1. What is your party’s position on the Department of Internal Affairs’ “Safer Online Services and Media Platforms” proposals? 


Q2. What is your party’s position on media funding initiatives by the Government carrying editorial requirements or standards? 


Academic freedom 

Q1. What commitments can your party give to ensuring the protection of academic freedom in our universities, as defined by the Education and Training Act? 


Q2. Does your party support the right of academics to teach and research freely on such subjects as: 

  • Critical theory (race, feminist, etc.) 
  • Te Tiriti principles and Mātauranga Māori’s position in science 
  • Gender identity and expression 


Public meetings and the use of public venues

Q1. What commitments can your party give to ensuring the protection of the right of Kiwis to meet and discuss ideas and political views, even if they are controversial or unpopular? 


Q2. What is your party’s position on the use of public venues by: 

  • Anti co-governance groups? 
  • Drag queens for ‘story time’ events?