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July 22, 2024 Nadia Braddon-Parsons

Free Speech Union launches professional membership to defend free speech in law

22 July 2024
Free Speech Union launches professional membership to defend free speech in law
The Free Speech Union has launched a professional membership especially for lawyers to ensure free speech is upheld and cherished within the legal profession, says Thomas Newman, the co-chair of the Legal Council for Free Speech.
“Free speech is central to our justice system and our democratic society. Without the ability to freely express ideas and opinions, the legal process would be stifled, hindering the search for justice and undermining its legitimacy.
Support for ‘hate speech’ law reform by the Law Society, ‘witch hunt’ investigations, and excessive use of name-suppression are just a few examples of the need to reinvigorate a belief in free speech in this crucial profession.
“The justice system is built on an adversarial system of debate, interrogation, and intellectual challenge. How can this be achieved without free speech? We’re seeing the erosion of free speech in numerous influential industries, but one of the most concerning places is within the legal profession.
“Our new legal membership is the second professional membership launched by the Free Speech Union, following the academic membership that has already gained significant traction. Six more will follow before the end of the year to ensure strong defence for free speech exists in critical professions.
“Justice requires truth. And the way we arrive at the closest approximation of the truth possible is by allowing competing narratives, perspectives, and beliefs to challenge each other.
“The Legal Council for Free Speech will coordinate the Free Speech Union’s work on behalf of legal members, advocating for lawyers' speech rights and the important role lawyers play in defending all Kiwis’ freedoms.”
Our legal membership can be found here.
Media contact - Jonathan Ayling, [email protected]