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December 17, 2024 Nadia Braddon-Parsons

Free Speech Union launches memberships to protect voices of media professionals and religious leaders

17 December 2024 
Free Speech Union launches memberships to protect voices of media professionals and religious leaders  
The Free Speech Union has launched its final two professional memberships, for media professionals and religious leaders, bringing the total number of professional membership options up to seven. Media and religious leaders rely on the fundamental human right of free speech as they inform the way Kiwis think about issues both personally and in their communities, says Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive of the Free Speech Union.  
“Our democracy depends on a free and open press that will hold our institutions, and the individuals who represent them, to account, by asking the tough questions, delving into controversy, and fearlessly investigating questions of social interest. 
“The Free Speech Union stands with media professionals by supporting their right to report issues freely while upholding principles of objectivity and transparency in their work.  
“Religious leaders and believers are likewise increasingly finding themselves under considerable censure. Ideas that have previously been kept as demonstrable truths are increasingly being branded as ‘misinformation’, ‘hate speech,’ or ‘bigotry’. 
“The Free Speech Union stands with religious leaders who seek to preach and speak openly about their faith in their communities. 
“Our liberal society has grown and flourished on a bedrock of deeply held religious convictions. Individuals must be free to seek, receive, and question teachings from religious leaders without fear of penalty or punishment. 
“We are calling on our media professionals to restore impartiality to the Fourth Estate, and our religious leaders, to bolster and encourage freedom of religion as a cornerstone of our civil society. We are here to help them achieve it.”  
Find the memberships here: &