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March 22, 2023 Free Speech Union

Academics Invited To Respond To Survey For Report On Academic Freedom

22 March 2023


Academics Invited To Respond To Survey For Report On Academic Freedom

In conjunction with Curia Market Research, the Free Speech Union has distributed a survey on academic freedom to academics across each of the eight universities in New Zealand. Respect for academic freedom is a statutory responsibility for universities, and this data will reflect the lived experiences of academics concerning this freedom, says Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive of the Free Speech Union.

“The Free Speech Union envisions a flourishing New Zealand civil society that values and protects vigorous debate, dissenting ideas, and freedom of speech as cultural cornerstones. In order to achieve this, the rights for freedom of speech, of conscience, and of intellectual inquiry are vital. 

“Last year, over 1,200 academics participated in the Survey, presenting important data on the experience of academics at universities across the country. The results to last year's survey showed prevailing freedom to test received wisdom and to voice opposition to the government. However, many academics also raised concerns about their freedom to discuss certain subjects or to voice opinions contrary to their peers.

"The open contest of ideas is a hallmark of a liberal democracy. If this cannot be achieved in our universities, where will this debate be allowed? We thank the academics who will take the time to participate in this survey, and look forward to presenting the results.”